Eyelid Lift
Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, can rejuvenate puffy, sagging, tired-looking eyes by removing excess fat, skin and muscle from the eyelids.
A brow lift can revitalize the upper face by lifting sagging eyebrows that may make you look angry, tired and sad.
In time, gravity, sun exposure, and the stresses of daily life take their toll on our faces: wrinkles appear, skin sags, folds and fat deposits form on the neck and jawline.
Otoplasty is ear surgery that is done to improve the appearance of large prominent ears that stick out.
Neck Lift
A neck lift is performed to remove excess fat beneath the chin and tighten loose skin in the neck.
Facial Liposuction
Facial liposuction sculpts the face by removing areas of fat from the lower cheek, jawline, chin or neck.