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A brow lift can revitalize the upper face by lifting sagging eyebrows that may make you look angry, tired and sad. The eye area tends to look heavy if the brows are droopy and in a low position. There are often deep furrows and excess skin in the glabella (the area between the eyebrows). The forehead creases are accentuated and deepened. Patients subconsciously try to compensate for the low brow position by contracting the forehead muscles, which temporarily elevates the brow and further deepens forehead lines.
Before and After Photos
Using a minimally invasive method, the eyebrows are gently lifted to provide a more youthful appearance. The procedure is often combined with an upper eyelid lift to improve the look of the eyes and upper face.
The endoscopic brow lift is is the standard brow lift that is performed today. Small incisions are made in the scalp and an endoscope (small camera) is used to visualize and elevate the tissues. The brow is lifted and fixated into position with a small bioabsorbable device called an endotine. The scars are all within the hairline and are not visible.
The endoscopic brow lift procedure is great for patients who have significantly droopy, low positioned eyebrows but patients who have receding hairlines, very thin hair, or very high foreheads are generally not good candidates for the endoscopic technique.
Are there different kinds of brow lifts?
Yes, there are several other techniques to lift the brow. The coronal brow lift is a more invasive procedure that involves a long incision in the scalp. It has been mostly replaced by the endoscopic technique but is still useful for patients with very heavy foreheads who need a more aggressive lift and in some men. A direct brow lift is performed by directly excising forehead skin just above the brow or in a forehead crease. It leaves a small minor scar that usually heals well and is done on patients who are not candidates for the endoscopic lift. The lateral temporal brow lift elevates the lateral brow only and is performed via an incision in the lateral part of the scalp.
Can I avoid a brow lift and just have an upper eyelid lift instead?
The eyebrows and forehead are intimately related to the upper eyelids. If your eyebrows are excessively droopy and in a low position, the upper eyelids will appear to have more excess skin than they would if the eyebrows were in a normal position. If an upper eyelid lift is performed on a patient who has very droopy eyebrows without a brow lift, the result may be unsatisfactory.
Will I look unnatural?
No, if done correctly in the proper patient, brow lift surgery will look natural and rejuvenate the upper face. But brow lift surgery isn’t for everyone. It should only be done in patients whose eyebrows are in a very low position and in a conservative fashion. Over-aggressively elevated brows are associated with a frightened or surprised look that is unnatural appearing and should be avoided.
What is recovery like?
There will be some mild swelling and bruising in the forehead area. The patient is advised to apply ice packs and keep the head elevated for 2 weeks. Strenuous activity should be avoided for 4 weeks.
Is there a nonsurgical way to lift the eyebrow?
The eyebrows can be lifted slightly with Botox injections to the glabella. This effect is subtle and will last about 4 months.